Read First: Everything You Need to Know in 1 Minute

Updated 2024 (originally posted July 11, 2014)

Here’s what you need to know, with links to the longer articles that will give you more information about Jim Wright’s/Plumbline Faith’s ugly history and patterns of interaction in Social Media. Many people come to this site as a result of searching for information when they notice something not quite right with his behaviour online. He routinely attacks the author of this website with completely fabricated and ridiculous claims, including claims of being a “stalker” on police watch lists or fleeing to Canada (the author is a dual citizen born in Canada who currently resides in Canada after living many years in the US). The accusations would be serious if they weren’t so laughable. Jim Wright’s grandiose online persona cannot tolerate exposure or challenge, and any who dare cross him are subjected to absolutely groundless and absurd accusations. He throws tantrums online repeatedly.

In short, Jim Wright (Plumbline Faith, a name he established for himself) has a long pattern of entering public sexual abuse cases and then using them as a platform to draw attention to himself and to promote his agenda of personal vendetta at the expense of real victims. He craves personal attention and affirmation, and he’s burned bridges locally with past churches, his family and those who know him personally. He tries to convince others (and maybe even himself!) that he is important and deserving of admiration and attention. This is all established in the links below.

Just click on each point and you’ll be taken to the article with documentation where it’s available online.


Keith W. Smith PhD?

For additional details on why Wright has obsessively attacked the same group of leaders with outrageous smears for the last 12 years, see, an independent site not affiliated with this blog and the associated links on that page.

When Jim Wright addresses his own issues, accepts correction, removes his false public accusations and confesses to his and his wife Marianne’s wrongs, then this site will be removed, but not until.

January 2024 Update

Jim Wright. A long history of deception and abuse.

No Real Changes to Report. Jim Wright Continues His Deception.

It has been 12 years since this story began. Despite bringing all his documented histories to light, Jim Wright continues his deceptive behaviour in social media, attempting to portray an aggrandized image of himself while attacking people whose success he envies with the worst kind of malicious gossip and false accusations.

Lately, he’s been specifically attacking anyone who draws attention to his past, similar to what got his old Crossroad Junction page removed for repeated Community Guideline violations. He is also repeating his debunked accusations toward authors with whom he first disagreed theologically and then went looking for any dirt he could twist and use to attack and punish them for not giving him the acceptance and credibility he apparently craves so much.

Former pastors, family members, and family friends have all reported that Jim’s history is driven by an insatiable desire for attention, importance and acceptance. When he cannot achieve that through legitimate means, he seeks to punish those he sees as interfering or withholding what he’s entitled to. All have made statements that he will twist, exaggerate and outright lie to gaslight the objects of his anger. His life is strewn with the wreckage of a broken family, broken relationships, broken churches and broken reputation.

Jim operates primarily on Facebook and, more recently, Twitter under “Plumbline Faith.” Whenever there is a prominent moral failure in religious circles, Jim quickly claims to be counselling (he’s a Theophostic prayer minister, not a counsellor) unnamed victims and quickly assumes the voice of someone active in revealing the perpetrator’s activity. Or he casually throws up the current public failures and includes the names of people he attempts to smear with guilt-by-association tactics.

He attempts to join the voices of legitimate advocates with his message of “me too” in a transparent bid to borrow the credibility of others while pretending that his past doesn’t exist.

Keith W Smith, Jim’s fraudulent partner in some of his earlier activity revealed on this site, died in Germany. He died after having made a partial confession of his academic and professional fraud but never fully confessed to his lifetime of grifting and deception among several Christian Communities. Despite Keith’s public confession of lying about 1 earned and 2 honorary Doctorates, Jim Wright never addressed his use of Keith’s fraudulent accusations toward public figures in the Organic Church Community and questionable claims to represent unnamed victims. He simply continues repeating them as if Keith’s confession never took place.

In fact, Jim continues to repeat the debunked lies he’s told in the past without addressing his failures to screen sources, his invented unnamed victims and his disregard for the wreckage he’s caused to his family, churches he’s been cast out of, and his spectacular failures in the Moral Majority, the Family Protection Lobby etc.

Jim appears to have learned little from his past experience of having his social media accounts closed for community guideline violations. He’s repeating his past behaviours and apparently hoping for different results.

Plumbline Faith is a clone of Jim’s old closed Crossroad Junction account. Every indication is that he’s built up a community on FB with over 18,000 overseas accounts farmed through paid ads and recruitment. He aggressively shares his posts with other groups and assumes the voice of the “wise elder” (a position for which he is unqualified). The traffic in his group in no way matches the number of followers. He primarily looks to impress people who don’t know him and his history, and he occasionally uses his platform to attack many people he began attacking in 2012. He’s begun now to escalate his attacks again in a sad repeat of his past behaviour.

I still get messages on FB and this blog asking questions about Jim. The carefully documented blog articles here on this site can answer most of them. Yes, he has a more than 40-year history of self-aggrandizing behaviour. Yes, he and his parents are relics from the Shepherding Movement, which Jim tries to pass off as Organic Churches despite their authoritarianism and far-right conservative political orientation. Yes, he frequently creates multiple organizations with the explicit purpose of creating the illusion of independence when he speaks through all of them with no named collaborators.

He has very little impact. His circles are small, and people seem to figure him out and move away once they see his historical behaviour and negativity. Here, they can see his behaviour documented through the years, the wreckage of his family and the sad harm he caused his children, the churches he harmed and attacked when his attempts to control failed, the authors he attacked when they wouldn’t bend to his demands to control them and conform to his narrow, backward theology and politics. His history in the Maryland Press, his ridiculous antics, his short stay with the Moral Majority, and his spectacular failures in the Family Protection Lobby are all shown here.

Jim’s only response to this documented history has been personal attack, slander, unsubstantiated accusations and conspiracy theories. Those who stand against him are subjected to unhinged diatribes without referencing his own documented issues. He’s beneath contempt in that regard and has no credibility.

This site remains as documentation of his history and to help those searching for who he really is once they notice something is not quite right with his social media presence.

This page will remain up until Jim Wright repents his ugly and hurtful behaviour patterns online.

Also, for details on why Wright has obsessively attacked the same group of leaders with outrageous smears for the last 12 years, see and the associated links on that page, which are not affiliated with me.

Feel free to post a link to this blog if/when he surfaces.

Update March 2019

Update March 2019


Jim Wright

Same Old Pattern

As he has done before in the past, Jim Wright has changed his site and organization names to make it harder for unsuspecting people to discover the past that discredits and embarrasses him.

It’s March 2019, and I want to give a brief report on what’s taken place over the last four years to the present. (My last update to the site was in 2015.)

Keith Smith has Reportedly Died

Keith Smith – the man who supported Jim Wright in his smear campaigns against others and was used by Jim Wright with no evidence of due diligence or personal integrity – suddenly died a year ago in February of 2018 according to online reports.  Keith Smith confessed publicly, after repeatedly being confronted about and lying repeatedly, that he was an academic fraud. He claimed multiple PhDs and was unable to prove he had anything more than a partial undergraduate record. He had a long and sordid history as a religious con-artist and grifter.

Nothing has Changed with Jim Wright

Wright has lost all credibility in the Christian world, except for a small number of people, most of whom who don’t know his character or past history of abuse, bullying, personal issues, and intentionally spreading smears against leaders he doesn’t like.

To hide his intentions, Wright will sometimes report on genuine cases of abuse alongside of his smear campaigns against people whom he’s intentionally lying about.

Wright’s initial smear campaign against a group of leaders – some of who were once (not presently) associated with the “house church movement” – began in 2012. All of those attacks have been fully debunked over six years ago.

Despite this, Wright is still attacking these same people, hoping that some who are ignorant of the disturbing issues in his own personal life and dishonest history will give him a listening ear.

It is astounding that a man of Wright’s scandalous personal history of divorce and estranged children would have the audacity to be casting stones at other people.

Be Warned, Jim Wright has a Long, Ugly History

I’m writing today to issue this update to warn you that:

(1) Jim Wright has yet to repent of his lies and deliberate defamation of leaders he doesn’t know or has ever met but who he’s taken personal offense with. (See my response to his absurd lies about me after exposing him and his history of abuse.)

(2) If you are Facebook friends with Jim Wright, you should unfriend him immediately because friending him only empowers him to continue in his sin and you are actually participating in that sin through your support. This is why the Bible teaches that no follower of Jesus should associate with people who commit the sin of slander and do not repent.  Wright currently uses a Facebook Page that he renamed after his Crossroad Junction Page was closed by Facebook for multiple community guideline violations. He’s repeated past patterns and created the illusion of a vast following despite very little actual interaction.

But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people. 1 Corinthians 5:11

Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. Titus 3:10

My hope is that before he dies, Wright will come clean, repent, and apologize to those he has abused over the years through slander, bullying, and harassment.

Why Am I Still Warning People About Jim Wright?

He Has returned after his FB Page was removed for Multiple Community Guideline Violations as Plumbline Faith

(Updated February 2024)

Some may ask why this website remains up after Jim Wright’s Crossroad Junction Page was removed by Facebook.

Here’s why.

Jim and Marianne Wright’s Blog Still Speaks

1. Although Jim Wright disappeared and was limited in posting his typical vitriol and venom, his Crossroad Junction blog remains with his past articles against multiple people, perpetuating and continuing to distribute his lies.  His blog still speaks. Just because his lies and slander got him removed from Facebook for Multiple Community Guideline Violations, it’s clear there are no such guidelines at work on his blogs or through his alleged fellowships.

Unwary Sexual Abuse Victims May Still Contact The Wrights

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Jim Wright Self-Proclaimed Demagogue

Jim Wright’s Reputation with Maryland Legislators

Called a “Self Proclaimed Demagogue”

This is a continuation of a series started HERE that provides much of the history of Jim Wright, along with his father Bob Wright, in the Shepherding Movement and intense political activism.

This is an article in the Annapolis Capitol that further gives some insight into the arrogance and bullying that Jim Wright became well known for in Maryland. What is sad is that these tactics continually backfired and in the end wound up harming the causes Jim Wright claimed to be supporting.  Most issues Jim Wright pursued ended up losing, often times in part because of his actions.  This is why the Moral Majority quickly kicked Jim Wright and the Maryland Chapter that was founded jointly by his father Bob Wright, out of the national organization, after Jim Wright embarrassed them nationally in the press with an attempt to close a bakery that Jim Wright claimed was selling “Pornographic Gingerbread Men.”

Family Rights Lobby Gets Chilly Reception

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Jim Wright – Sleazy Tactics

Unethical Tactics Embarrass Pro-Life Movement

First Cookies then This

This is a continuation of a series begun HERE.

As has been noted in this series before, Jim Wright’s shenanigans throughout the 1980s were the target of a great deal of ridicule and they resulted in national embarrassment with the Moral Majority rejecting their Maryland Chapter and tossing them along with Jim Wright out of the organization. You can see see why with these types of campaigns that continued even after the Moral Majority wisely and quickly disassociated themselves from the sleazy tactics of Jim Wright and the Family Protection Lobby.

This article is presented without extensive comment as a further example of the scorched earth type tactics employed by Jim Wright in promoting his agendas. Keep in mind that much of the criticism of these actions came from fellow Pro-Life supporters. The issue wasn’t the Pro-Life position.  The issue was the underhanded and unethical tactics employed.  30+ years later Jim Wright hasn’t changed very much.  He still skirts the edge of slander and libel in his predictable and apparently compulsive attacks upon others.

Jim Wright Embarrasses the Anti-Abortion Campaign in Maryland

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Jim Wright Stacks the Deck

Stacking the Deck is Nothing New for Jim Wright

This Sounds Familiar

This is the continuation of a series examining the history of Jim Wright and the Family Protection Lobby, which begins HERE.

Jim Wright - Stacking the Deck

Jim Wright – Stacking the Deck

The more I learn of the long stream of public scandals involving Jim Wright and the Family Protection Lobby which Jim purportedly ran under the nepotistic appointment of his father Bob Wright, who established multiple organizations in different spheres of Community, Government and Religion, the more I see a thread of similar actions at work today. When I first became familiar with Jim Wright, it was initially through his announcement through Crossroad Junction where he made outrageous and false accusations against a Christian Brother, by citing another organization called Nathan’s Voice which he claimed had investigated the basis of his charges independently.  It turned out that Nathan’s Voice was none other than Jim Wright himself speaking for an organization with no other named parties.  Add to that that Jim Wright used a professional and academic fraud to trump up additional false charges and you see the type of man he really is.

This type of blatantly unethical action is nothing new for Jim Wright and it follows a longstanding pattern that extends back to Jim Wright’s days in the Family Protection Lobby.  It was blatantly hypocritical back then, just as it remains blatantly hypocritical today. This is the background story to an early example of how Bob Wright and his son Jim Wright, attempted to use similar unethical methods in the 1980s to promote their agenda back then.

Bob Wright’s Failed School Board Candidacy

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Jim Wright and Sovereign Grace Ministries

Why Jim Wright Has Issues with Sovereign Grace Ministries

New Covenant Church of Arnold, MD, is now an SGM Church

This is the continuation of a series started HERE.

Jim Wright - Sovereign Grace Ministries Ties?

Jim Wright – Sovereign Grace Ministries Ties?

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Jim and Marianne Wright, Crossroad Junction, Nathan’s Voice, Fulcrum Ministries, Fulcrum Express, Fulcrum Forum and Plumbline Faith or whatever name de jour, Jim Wright tries to re-identify himself as it is that if Jim Wright has an issue with someone or some organization, that will be the basis of his taking aim and attacking with a whole litany of personal and ridiculous accusations. This has included his last two institutional Churches in Manassas, VA, which he left amid conflict with Church leadership and charges of sexual impropriety, and in the case of the second church, was actually formally excommunicated following another litany of incredibly ridiculous charges of financial impropriety.

Another organization that Jim Wright attacks regularly is Sovereign Grace Ministries, which I thought must have been because it was in the local news in Northern Virginia and Maryland and was a convenient target because it does have some legitimate issues of sexual abuse in the past. Jim Wright loves to cite stories in the news or of court issues related to Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM) and then, with no factual basis for comparison to then quote whomever else he’s trying to attack in the same breath as if there’s some real connection there.

As is usually the case, there is a connection with SGM in Jim Wright’s world, but it’s with Jim Wright himself, who appears desperate to distance himself from it. Future articles may take a look at some psychological issues connected with a practice known as “gas-lighting,” of which this is a prime example. Still, in this instance, the connections to Jim Wright were pretty easy to find and desperately covered up by Jim Wright as he sought to redefine himself away from his real historical roots.

Sovereign Grace Ministries and the Shepherding Movement

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Jim Wright – Organic Church?

Jim Wright’s Misrepresentation of His Past

His Parents and Organic Church

This is an article in a continuing series started HERE.

For the past few years, Jim Wright has been holding forth on Facebook (before the Crossroad Junction Facebook Page operated by Jim and Marianne Wright was shut down by Facebook for Multiple Community Guideline Violations), the internet and his blog site with the claim that his parents, Bob and Mary Jane Wright, were pioneers in “Organic Church.”  Jim Wright bases his own claim of “leadership” as an “elder” in Organic Church in great measure upon his proclaimed heritage through his parents whose work he claims to be carrying on.

This is a heart-warming story.  It would be even more heart-warming if it were true.  As has been demonstrated on this blog time and time again however, Jim Wright is promoting stories that twist the truth and are often gross exaggerations and often, as in this case I believe, outright lies.

Shepherding Movement

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Jim Wright’s Tainted Reputation

Annapolis Capitol Editorial

Jim Wright’s Reputation in Maryland

Jim Wright routinely refers to himself as something of a respected crusader from the 1980s.  He’s claimed to have been the subject of books and articles outlining his groundbreaking work in this area.  It all sounds marvelous until you actually research and see what he did and what was said about him.

As has been noted in a series of posts which starts HERE, which was started just following Jim and Marianne Wright’s Facebook Page being deleted by Facebook after multiple Community Guideline Violations, all Jim Wright really was in the 1980s was a young man placed in a position by his father in what appears to have been an act of nepotism and control to try and manage a family based “empire” of organizations which all circled around Bob Wright at the time.  Jim Wright today attempts to do the same thing with his own stable of LLC corporations and holding corporations and his unsubstantiated claims to be part of a “vast network of organic churches in Northern Virginia.”  It’s nothing new for Jim.  It’s a pretty established deceptive pattern.

Annapolis Capitol Editorial March 30, 1982

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Family Protection Lobby and Related Scandals

Multiple Ensuing Scandals Involving the Wrights

From Gingerbread Men to Beyond

As was noted in previous articles in this series which starts HERE and referenced in Annapolis Capital Newspaper articles at the time, the short term association of the Wrights with the Moral Majority before the National Organization kicked out their embarrassing chapter, was also in part, a move by the Wrights to maintain control over the contributions.  The Moral Majority national office apparently processed the contributions and there was concern on the part of the local chapter that not all funds were being returned for direct use and control at the local level.  Given that much of the base for the Maryland Chapter was evidently tied into the New Covenant Churches of Maryland of which Bob Wright was the President, this was clearly not an acceptable situation and it’s my opinion that the separation of organizations would have likely occurred anyway, just over this issue, but as the local chapter had made the National Organization a laughing stock in the media, things moved that much more quickly.

The Republican Party Connection

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